Next, researchers must complete and submit their I-IRB application form.
The following documents must be attached to all complete I-IRB applications for review:
• Consent form(s): For all BU I-IRB approved research with human subjects in which researchers collect new data, participants must give informed consent (obtained either as a physical document or online agreement). The researchers must maintain records of consent. If the study comprises trials requiring more than one session using the same participants, there should be records of consent for each session. A consent form template can be found in FORMS section of the BU I-IRB website.
• Debriefing form(s): All BU I-IRB approved research must provide a debriefing. Debriefings are an opportunity for participants to discontinue a study or have their data removed from the study. Debriefings also provide an opportunity to educate the participants on the research study topic, which supports the I-IRB’s mission of educating the BU community about research. A debriefing form template can be found in FORMS section of the BU I-IRB website.
• All questionnaires and measurements to be used in the study
*It is strongly recommended that researchers fill out the application in a Word document and then copy their answers to the online form because the form does not auto-save your progress.*
* To access the I-IRB application form, Select RESEARCH APPROVAL REQUEST FORM under FORMS: